I was having an argument with a of 77 turd

While I am grateful for your inquiries however, they are not always addressed promptly. But I will try to respond to your questions. Thank you for RuneScape Mobile gold taking the time. If you're looking to stop these price manipulations, please spread the word and join the unions. I'm not able to be on the field for longer than 30 seconds nowadays and therefore, I will not be able to lead the battle. But, I would like to share my information with you everyone.

A while back, a thread created. It was titled "Skill caps: Are they ruining Runescape?" The thread was about weather capes that are more and more controversial in Runescape.

Let's get to the main point. Today, I was having an argument with a of 77 turd, who wore a cape that was not trimmed to make fire. He claimed that he had the entire money (about 5 million) to buy 99 firemaking. After burning logs to make 99 firemaking for 3 and a half weeks the turd was given his cape that was not trimmed. He was hoping to purchase 99 Fletching next and that's the most absurd excuse to get an easy 99.

I was on the forums as I was whining about yellowews like I do everyday when I'm bored. My friend and I were discussing the fact that the rune hatchet was faster than the dragon hatchet. I was in agreement with her to an degree, but this jerk believed it was his right to buy OSRS gold interrupt and make me a fool because he claimed to be. He's spent hours experimenting with and evaluating the rune hatchet to cut yews. They're either the same or the rune hatchet is slightly faster and I believe it's two mils more.

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