This makes it a better spot overall

To locate the green drags on OSRS gold the 20th level above Varrock, you can obtain some games chokes, and then teleport to clan wars. Then, walk east until you find the dragons. Once your inventory is fully stocked, you can teleport directly to the bounty hunter by using the games pendant, bank, then teleprot onto clan wars. It's easy to save time and make your own games necklaces using a few spare sapphires.

The Chaos Tunnel-Green Dragons are quicker and easier to master than wilderness dragons. They need more food than wilderness ones, but they offer more convenience: it takes just 1-2 hops (to discover a world that has no people on it), and is closer to a bank that the wilderness dragons.

This makes it a better spot overall. Bring house teletabs/runes to a house that has a towering glory or alter. You can then recharge prayers there, and return to the edge to bank/restart your journey. If you do not have varrock teletabs/runes available, you can recharge your prayers at the northern alter, and deposit your money at the east varrock banks. Follow the path south to the cavern, then enter the dungeon through the entrance. In order to buy RS gold reduce the food waste, ensure that you've completed your prayer prior to eating any food.

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