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  • (feed reading error)

  • What is 484 divided by two?


    created by CS

  • Describe the weather outside today using three adjectives.

    created by ecto24

  • For more than a hundred years, the National Geographic Society has pursued its mission to increase and diffuse geographic knowledge. The Society has made a special effort to support this goal by establishing the Education & Children's Programs department, which works to motivate and enable each new generation to become geographically literate.

  • ProTeacher is a professional community for elementary school teachers, specialists, and student teachers in grades preK-8. Our participants include visitors from across the United States, and guests from around the world. We feature hundreds of active discussions, tens of thousands of teaching ideas, and a directory of teacher-selected lesson plans, teaching ideas and resources.

  • Housed within the walls of San Francisco's Palace of Fine Arts, the Exploratorium is a collage of hundreds of science, art, and human perception exhibits. The Exploratorium is a leader in the movement to promote museums as educational centers.

  • The ERIC (The Education Resources Information Center)Clearinghouse system was eliminated in 2003. ERIC was massively reorganized and most of the content at the former ERIC sites (including the ERIC Digests) found new homes. This site is striving to make it easy to find ERIC Digests that have been produced prior to the end of the former ERIC system.

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