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My ePortfolio

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  • An ePortfolio is a web-published collection of documents, information, link resources, audio and video clips that showcases the demonstrated abilities, know-how and skills of a specific person to her own selected stakeholders.


    An ePortfolio allows the creation of a self-nurturing learning device allowing effective examination, interpretation and ongoing evaluation of a student's effectively conquered competencies as well as capacity for a more organic assessment of her skills and potential.


    Each time a learner acquires new knowledge, she must in some way put in relation what she already knew and what she just discovered. The goal is the achievement of a new awareness that allows the learner to see from a higher viewpoint her personal know-how, and the imbalances and gaps yet to be fulfilled by further study.

    The goal of an e-portfolio is in fact the one of capturing the performance, the learning processes, the choices, the different understanding modes, the reasons and motivations, the progress made and the cultural and learning context in which the learning experience takes place.

    "If your view of portfolios is just something akin to a content management system, don't bother. But if it's the student's personal and continuing presence in an online community of discourse, then you are on to something."(Stephen Downes)

    created by JD

  • This Template is created by J.D. using Google Sites. It is created specially for University EFL Students at Saudi Arabia. You are welcomed to use this template. It will help you organize your stuff & learn better. So have fun creating you ePortfolio :)
    created by JD

©2006 ©2010-2011 JD