How to prevent cheating

Cheating is a big issue for many people. It is even more a problem for women in the work world. If you are female and use your time at work to cheat, you have probably thought about it at some point. Women have been cheated by men for thousands of years and sometimes still do it. The number of women who cheat is unknown but one thing is for sure: cheaters do so not because they lack emotional intelligence but because they are emotionally deficient in some way, usually related to self-esteem.

Why does cheating happen? There are many reasons. One of them is that we have evolved to be insecure and insecure people tend to react in several ways:
- We try to find an external cause (e.g., “she was mean to me”) - We try to find an internal cause (e.g., “her looks were deceiving”) - We try to find an excuse (e.g., “you didn’t get me the job, I should be grateful”) - We try to find a justification (e.g., “I am too good looking for her” or “she has a terrible personality, therefore she deserves what she gets”) - We try to reduce the impact by blaming others (e.g., “he must be seeing another woman while I am still alive” or “they were doing it all along anyway and I am just too stupid not to see it”)
It sounds like there are only two solutions here, right? Yes, there is one solution: don't cheat!
You might think that saying this makes you sound like a cold hearted asshole and maybe you do act like one on occasion too; but the real reason that most men cheat is that they cannot control their emotions and their thoughts cannot control their actions . Men can get angry at things which happened a long time ago without feeling any regret about those things later on, so when they do something bad in the present moment they will experience no emotion towards it afterwards either ... at least if they can control their thoughts and emotions enough.

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