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    Tags: workplace
    created by joycelearning

  •                                                     Resources for Success




    Lists of Resources for success focused on helping the students in their online orientation based on scenario 2.    Eliminate Live! Online Orientation

    Elluminate. Elluminate Live! V10 for Participants Recorded Training & Documentation. Retrieved December 2, 2011 from
     This recourse site listed will provide an insight of an online environment for the new students; and training necessary to attend the live webinar hosted through Elluminate. The students are to complete the online orientation guidelines and documents. This will enable them to participate in the webinar without difficulty and have the opportunity for success.

    Online Webinar Etiquette

    Lolo Parker (2011). Webinar Etiquette. Retrieved December 2, 2011 from
    Tags: workplace
    created by joycelearning

    Tags: workplace
    created by joycelearning

  •                                Technology Tool Overview

                                          Workplace Safety 


    Microsoft Live Meeting (Webinar)

    This is web site for online collaborative scenario among the facilitator and the audience. The student will have to download the software into their PC to enable them participate in the live webinar. Date and time will be scheduled for the students to enable get prepared and not miss it.  A link will be sent to all the students directing them register to view the live webinar. Students are expected to sign in to Microsoft office live meeting to view. During this webinar, students will observe a presentation on workplace safety and question and answers will be entertain. The webinar is required for all participants.


    Forum (Discussion Board)
    This section in Ectolearning (CMS) has different modules for the course through which students are expect to participate in a forum discussion regarding specific workplace safety topics. Within this forum, students are expected to post their discussions into the different modules. Within this forum, students are expected to post thoughtful responses to safety topics and feedback to one another.

    Wikispace (Wiki)
    Students will participate in a wiki in which they will discuss workplace safety topics as designated by the course syllabus. They are expected to sign up and invite the members of their group for group project. It is required for all students to participate.

    There are various presentations which will be made available to students throughout the course. This presentation will be in PDF format enabling the students to download and view on their personal computers. It will content the documentation of the course content displaying the step-by-step instruction in each of the module.

    all the videos that will be use  be in .mpeg or mp3 format and will be included in the course content as a resources material in each of the module for the students to view. It can be linked to their internet location on YouTube be recorded in multimedia scenario. Students will not need to download the videos, but will be able to view them on the course website.

    Tags: workplace
    created by joycelearning

  • The Attributes of Successful Distance Learners 

    A distance learner can be of any age, have attained any education level and have a variety of educational needs. One pervasive characteristics of the distance learner is an increased commitment to teach (Simonson et al, 2009).


    Distance learning can be very challenging most time depending on how it is handled. Simonson et al (2009) sated that motivation is the key attribute to maintain and be a good distance learner. A successful distance learner must be goal-oriented to be able to achieve its objective in distance education.  A good distance learner don't require anybody to motivate and encourage them, they independently conduct different assignments and projects. They make the planning accordingly so that they can easily complete different tasks within time ( Garcis, H. (2010).

     A distance learner can be a successful learner if he/she has the skill of time management.  Time management is all about organizing ones-self in order to make the best use of your time meaningfully and become more effective (Edison, 2007). The learner always thrive to avoid time –wasting and learn the various time techniques that will suits him/her best. Successful distance students identify appropriate times and locations for studying. After estimating the amount of required study time, effective learners review their weekly activities and commit that time to their schedules. Study locations are free from interruptions and distractions (University of Otago, 2011).Another attribute of a successful distance learner is self-disciplined. It is the basic need of a learner to be successful in learning in distance environment.   Taking distance education courses requires a real commitment and self-discipline to keep up with the flow of the process. Effective distance learners become and stay responsible for them (University of Otago, 2011).

    Research indicates that interpersonal and communication skills and fluency in the use of collaborative online learning technologies are critical competencies for the online learner (Dabbagh & Bannan-Ritland, 2005,). Williams (2003) found that interpersonal- and communication-related skills (which include writing skills) dominated the top 10 general competencies across all roles in distance education programs supp

    Tags: workplace
    created by joycelearning

    Tags: workplace
    created by joycelearning

    Tags: workplace
    created by joycelearning

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